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Updated: 2023-08-12

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Friday, September 25, 2020

Home - Journeys - Germany, Saarbrucken 2020 - Friday, September 25, 2020

The center of Saarburg.

The center of Saarburg.

The waterfall.

The waterfall.

The watermill.

The watermill.

We slept a bit better at the Best Western Victor's Residenz-Hotel Rodenhof in Saarbrücken.
Just like yesterday, the breakfast is good, but it is striking that many hotel guests come to eat at the very last minute, so that the staff is still quite busy at that time.

Today we are indeed going to Saarburg, and Pia suddenly wants to go to Trier too.
After breakfast we drive away, an hour's drive through beautiful surroundings. Unfortunately it rains a bit now and then.
We take a look at the center of Saarburg, a small and nice town, very touristic but much nicer than Saarbrücken.
In the center we still see the place where Anton, the boss of our old favorite pub in Apeldoorn, ran a restaurant. We also try to make a cruise on the river, but the tour boats do not sail on Fridays.

We drive to Trier, a pretty busy city, where we park the car in a parking garage. The center is busy and pleasant. A few years ago we also visited here for a few days, and the center has grown a lot; there are more shops and more catering.
We got hungry and haphazardly enter a wine and fish restaurant, Oechsle Wein- und Fischhaus, where we enjoy a very tasty lunch.
After lunch we walk around a bit, but it is chilly and windy. We return to the car and drive to the hotel in Saarbrücken.

We are not hungry anymore and after an hour we go by car to the Edeka supermarket where we also went yesterday.
We buy snacks and beer and grappa to take with us to the Netherlands.
It has become rainy, with a lot of wind.

Link: Saarbrücken.
Link: Oechsle Wein- und Fischhaus.
Link: Trier.
Link: Saarburg.
Link: EDEKA Czajka.

Written on: 2020-09-29


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.